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Collaboration with University of Cambridge Judge Business School

We are pleased to have recently completed a collaboration with the University of Cambridge's Judge Business School.

Kalium Health was selected as a partner for the Cambridge MBA Venture Project. As part of this we worked with a team of MBA students and experienced business mentors to carry out important market research and economic analysis.

This project focused on emerging trends and opportunities in US value-based kidney care; a fast-evolving situation where new payment models are being introduced to ensure alignment of incentives between payers and healthcare providers. This results in a patient-centric focus on improving health outcomes.

The key enabler for this type of approach is digital data and proactive methods, such as monitoring of patients at home to take action before treatment needs escalate. Kalium Health's technology for rapid self-testing for key risks in kidney disease is squarely aligned with this huge emerging opportunity.

The Venture Project delivered up-to-date market data, trends analyses and commercial strategies that we will be taking forward as we begin commercialisation. Thanks to the project team Laura, Sumanyu, Oliver, Tan and Yanzhi and mentor William Allan for a successful and enjoyable collaboration.

To request information about our commercial plans contact us here.



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